Wednesday, 11 April 2012

translating babel

It's an unusual behaviour. Something that I've never seen before. They say there's some kind of different background. She acts. In fact, she is, she doesn't etc. Poetry describes words of despair; acts, passion. Her desire of being alive is linked to love. It flies as a peaceful dove. Or transcends. Her eyes burn, it is difficult to turn and not to appreciate her beauty: how she walks, talks and is.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Dons de um quixotesco ser

O moinho é um mundo. Ou o mundo é um moinho. Há quem discorde. Existiriam dons? Sons da curiosidade que não levariam a muitos lugares. Masturbações mentais são saudáveis quando acompanhadas com grãos não trangênicos de cevada. - Talvez isso não te leve a nada. Mas é o nada que precisamos. Nada precisamos? Lutas com o moinho e contra a ti mesmo, gigante! Fostes mentalmente imaginado por um cavaleiro da triste figura. Tens o dom da auto-ilusão, uma dádiva divina. O moinho certamente modificará a realidade e trará novos ares para novos gigantes de outros tantos cavaleiros.

Pintura: Gustave Dore

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Remember, remember...

Technologies such as social networking were created to remind us how to share ideas, tastes, tears, experiences - what's in your mind? What can be seen is nothing more than our capacity to transform our blindness into few useless theories which can be discussed while we're drinking some beer and waiting some miracle from Someone who must have felt a necessity to share his/her feeling of nothingness, a state of mind.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Brave old worlds.

What is futile we seek. Our existential cliché: to seek. Thoughts come across without having any meaning. Our essential condition: to be sick of... Us. Or ourselves. Thus, is discovered another verb: to find. The Love already existed before any reasonable explication. So, it is given to us perception. The perception of loving. It's not necessary to show off your sick seek - there's so much beyond what isn't normally seen. Life - it must be rediscovered.

Picture: Reinaldo Murata.